
It Pays Off For Small Business To Accept Credit Cards

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accept credit cardsOne of the biggest challenges for a small business is competing with larger businesses with greater resources. One proven strategy for leveling the playing field is to accept credit cards. After all, 78 percent of American consumers own a credit card, and 80 percent own a debit card.¹ That’s a huge market that no merchant can afford to ignore — especially small businesses who don’t plan on remaining small for long.

Small businesses that start to accept credit cards benefit in a variety of ways. Most obviously, they immediately become an option for patrons who prefer to pay with plastic. In their eyes, seeing the logos of the major credit cards in a merchant’s shop or on their e-Commerce website means that merchant is in the same league as much larger retailers. Since most small businesses strive to offer the superior customer service that the Big Boys often can’t or won’t, it’s a no brainer that they should expand their payment options to include the debit and credit cards consumers use so frequently.


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