Are You Organized?
Getting it all together and developing organizational skills is a really tough thing to do in today’s go-go world. Getting organized and staying that way almost impossible. It seems like there’s too many things to do each day, and not enough time to get everything accomplished. To come home every day from a hard day at the office or other places of employment, and then have to sit down to a cluttered table to try and sort through bills and receipts that you want to keep, just is a task that no one looks forward to. If you’re reading this, am I talking about you?
A Look at the Wonder File Organizer
The Thanksgiving Holiday was a great TV watching time for me. That’s when I first saw the Wonder File on an As Seen On TV commercial. In case you haven’t seen one of these, the Wonder File Organizer is a desktop, fold-up, portable organizer that fits neatly into a drawer or on a shelf when you’re done with it. What I first noticed was how much stuff, i.e., clutter and paper, you could store away in the Wonder File and easily get to later when you needed it.
When you unfold the rectangular Wonder File, the first thing you will notice is the clear vinyl sleeves on each of the four corners. These clear sleeves make papers, receipts, bills or any other documents readily visible and easy to retrieve. Meanwhile, these items are neatly stored flat and organized so they’re at your finger tips when you need them. Then, there are other vinyl storage compartments; two about the size of large #10 envelopes for keeping pens, pencils, paper clips and other loose items that are never around when you need them. Then, in the center, there’s an enclosed storage area large enough to store a laptop computer or note pads. If you’re doing your bills or working with your checkbook, then all you have top do is open up your Wonder File Organizer and everything is right there...all at the same time. No more searching for pencils and erasers or going through stacks of paper trying to find that bill you neglected to pay last week. For secure or hidden storage, there’s a zippered compartment underneath the bottom edge that will keep your private papers out of sight.
Using the Wonder File
You really can get carried away with the As Seen On TV ordering process, but I did take advantage of their offer and got two of them. I kept one for me to get myself organized and gave the other one to my son who cannot keep track of his school work, papers and assignments. My wife loves the fact that I bought it because she can now see the top of the dining room table because I have tidied up and stored what I needed to keep in the Wonder File Organizer. It took some doing to get my son in the habit of using his Wonder File for his homework assignments and other projects. But now that he’s using it on a regular basis, he’s become much more organized over all, even picking up his room!
If you know of anyone whose organizational skills could use some help, then the Wonder File would make a terrific gift. They will definitely be able to save time by using it, and will really appreciate your thoughtfulness!
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