The Grill Glove
Grill Glove
The Grill Glove
Read more at www.grillglove.orgIt is now very easy to turn your hot dogs without dropping them. You can place the chops, chicken and beef, but you can now easily spread them around as you add more. The hook is that you will never get burned and you can get rid of virtually all other bbq accessories. It’s also dishwasher safe and seems to clean much easier than other products when you wash by hand.
Perfect Punch MMA Training Routine
The fact that it is so easy to use is what gives Perfect Punch its mass appeal. There is no other workout like it regardless if you are a Pro or a Joe. Both women and men will love the positive changes in their physiques after training with the Perfect Punch System. Finally there is a new and exciting workout routine to give you the same results realized by those Warrior like fighters you see on TV. You can now literally punch your way to the perfect body.
Perfect Punch Builds:
A Lean Body
Stamina and Carido
Proper Punching Form
Punching Speed
- Punching Power!
MMA Training Gloves
Perfect Punch MMA Training Gloves
Read more at hubpages.comThese Perfect Punch MMA Training Gloves have got to be the As Seen On TV product of the year and it is only January! Never have I seen such acceptance of a fitness product so quickly and the buzz on this thing is immense. Now, I am no boxing or MMA expert but I have noticed what kind of incredible shape these athletes are in. Not only do they look great but they are incredibly strong and very skilled. It makes sense that part of their training methods would cross over into the mainstream fitness market and I'm here to tell you this Perfect Punch is going to be a smash hit!
Jay Glazer's Perfect Punch
Read more at www.perfectpunchreviews.comHere is what I mean. When you train a lot, especially if you do a lot of bag work, you start to pile up the injuries. But, you need to do the work in order to create your strength and hone your technique. I find that using Jay Glazer's perfect punch is a smarter why to do MMA training because it can take most of your bag work out of your training. You really shouldn't be using MMA gloves to hit the heavy bag in the first place but let's face it, if that's what we have, that's what we use. There simply is not enough padding in standard gloves to absorb all the shock we put on the hands and wrists.
MBA CREF Convention and Expo 2011
Yeee Hahh!
MBA CREF Convention and Expo 2011
Read more at www.commercialmortgagebroker.orgMBA Cref Convention and Expo 2011 will take place February 6 – 9, 2011 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, CA. Commercial Mortgage Broker Financial Compound is pleased to sponsor this premier industy event which gathers thousands of commercial real estate industry professionals from across the country to learn the latest in industry trends, regulatory developments, and strategies for today’s dynamic marketplace. The convention offers the opportunity to network with colleages from across the industry and engage in dynamic discussion with key industry leaders to share critical information, industry knowledge, and real world experience.
Why Do We Need Business Loan Consultants
found this interesting
Why do I need to pay a consultant to assist me in obtaining business loans? I have perfect credit, can’t I just do it on my own?” On the surface this statement seems to make perfect sense, however, since the mortgage meltdown and ensuing credit crisis, like Elvis, “sense” has left the bank building.
Why Do I Need A Business Loan Consultant?
Read more at www.businessloan.orgWe are often asked, “Why do I need to pay a consultant to assist me in obtaining business loans? I have perfect credit, can’t I just do it on my own?” On the surface this statement seems to make perfect sense, however, since the mortgage meltdown and ensuing credit crisis, like Elvis, “sense” has left the bank building. All the rules have been rewritten on how to obtain business loans and what the banks are looking for and what lending triggers they use to grant a business loan. Everyday we have new clients that come to us after being turned down by their bank of 20+ years. This has nothing to do with creditworthiness, but rather, not understanding what programs and lending biases each bank utilizes when underwriting their business loans. Before you venture down the road of do-it-yourself business loan development and ruin your personal and potentially your business’s credit, please consider the following:
One Step Mud Mat
One Step Mud Mat
The One Step Mud Mat Is Great For:
- Indoors or Outdoors
- High Foot Traffic Areas: Kitchen,Bathroom,Pet Doors or Laundry Rooms
- Trapping Ice, Snow, Sand, Mud and Rainwater
The Heat Surge Amish Fireplace
Winter Chill
Before the holidays, we went over to my wife’s mother’s condo for our regular weekly visit. We found her sitting in the living room dressed in sweaters, coats, and covered with her hand made quilt. Apparently, something is the matter with the ducting system in the building. Her bedroom was absolutely toasty, but no matter how the vents were adjusted, the rest of her condo was cold. Her unit was not the only one to have this problem...the whole building seemed to be suffering from uneven heating according to her friends who lived there.
She said she didn’t want just a typical electric floor heater because they were unsightly. I really felt for her when she said she wished she could be back at her home where she had a fireplace. I guess the older we get, the more remember the things that made us comfortable earlier in life. I remembered seeing an As Seen On TV commercial for the Amish Heater or Heat Surge Fireplace, and thought I’d find out more about it.
Heating With the Heat Surge
Handmade by Amish craftsmen, the Heat Surge Electric Fireplace has a beautiful real wooden mantle and the ambiance of a real fire. It’s small, convenient and easily moveable from room to room. It emits Infrared Heat and heats quickly and evenly while staying cool to the touch. For my elderly mother-in-law, I think another advantage of the Heat Surge is that it’s really safe. Because it is externally cool, she won’t set her condo on fire if a blanket or garment falls over it, whereas this might happen with other portable electric floor heaters.
Unlike many of the other electric floor heaters on the market, the Heat Surge is aesthetically fabricated and is not an just another electric heater, and this was important to her. The look of a real fireplace is attained with their patented "Fireless Flame" technology, which really does give the exact appearance of a real fire. Staying warm while enjoying the relaxing ambiance of a fire without the negative aspects of a real fireplace such as fumes, smells, ashes and the mess really did appeal to her. Additionally, the integrated thermostat will let her to set the temperature to what’s comfortable for her so she won’t have to be resetting the temperature all the time.
Happy and Warm
As a bonus Christmas gift, my wife and I ordered one for her. Of all the gifts she opened, this brought put the biggest smile and put a twinkle in her eye. We unpacked it, reviewed the simple directions with her, and turned it on. The flames are really pretty, and doesn’t take up hardly any space in her condo’s small living area. If you have a loved one, or have a room yourself that stays cold, the Heat Surge Amish fireplace may be for you too.
Perfect Punch Chest Strap
Instead, I thought I would work on my speed and power while I healed up a bit. I love the mma gloves and the whole contraption is well made but I could not get the chest strap closed. The directions say to put on the gloves and lower the resistance band behind you, but when I did that I couldn't grab the ends of the chest strap to fasten them. I was like a dog chasing his tail. It was pretty frustrating but I found a solution.
I have had my Perfect Punch for about a week and I do like it but it took me a few tries to get it right. First I want to say that I've been punching a punching bag for some time. I really was never sure if I was doing it right because there was nobody there to teach me. After using the perfect punch I realize that I wasn't using the proper technique and it led to some dull pain in my left wrist. I punched my way through it for the most part, but I have taken a break from my punching bag routine.
An As Seen On TV Product That Works
It never ceases to amaze me that we as the American public insist on throwing our money away on needless junk. But it's not always junk, is it? We have all had our wonders about As Seen On TV products that we see advertised on late night television. They look fun but do they work? The answer is pretty much yes, and no. Some products are certainly better than others and some are actually terrific. But, it can be very tough to tell which products are on the up and up just by watching the ad. Most people are apprehensive about buying things on tv, but they don't have to be because there are some diamonds in the rough. Here are just a few.
In my opinion, the grill glove is one of them. As seen on TV kitchen products are always a great seller but who really needs a chopper, a cooker or a steamer? I've bought plenty of these things and they all just collect dust. But the grill glove is the first thing I tried that actually gets used. I'm not sure if it is just my cooking style, or lack of one, which makes it perfect for me, or if I'm just out of my mind. You see, with the grill glove you can actually reach your had into boiling water or even a fire without getting burned. It's purpose is to allow you to control, flip or place food safely without the need for clumsy utensils. It is something you can use with the grill or oven and use every day. Everyone uses oven mitts so this product is product addresses a need, it is not something that promises to make you a gourmet chef with a fryer, chopper or pan like so many others.The grill glove is not available in stores but that should be corrected soon. It is too good of an idea to stay a secret for long. I would not be surprised to see it in all the major chains some time soon. But, in the meantime anyone who wants to try it will have to bite the bullet and buy grill glove online. This is where it gets tricky for a lot of people. Can you trust these marketing companies selling their wares in the wee hours when our defenses are down? In this case, yes, and here's why.I've read so many horror stories online about people buying things and never receiving them or getting into some type of bait and switch situation so this experience was quite a pleasure. After I ordered my grill glove I received a conformation email from the company which contained my customer number and their contact info. It was not hard to get in touch with a customer service rep and they were helpful when I emailed them to change my shipping address. I was pretty impressed because this goes against everything I've read about the industry.So when you are watching your favorite show on TV and some enticing infomercial comes on you may just be looking at something worth while. While some infomercials can be more entertaining than the shows they interrupt they're not all bad. Just be careful when ordering and anything that looks too good to be true probably is.Wednesday
Discovery Channel Gambles On Pitchmen
I'm really not much of a reality show guy but Pitchmen was different. Here you had a bunch of inventors trying to get the corporate "know it alls" to take a gamble on bringing their product to market through infomercials. We all love to hate those late night ads but you really find yourself rooting for the little guy in this show and you have a chance to watch their real life success and failures.
Read more at uberazzi.comOver the last months I have seen a few other cool products come out on the As Seen On TV Market that really interested me and low and behold a few were invented by, you guessed it, Kevin Alan. That's like winning the lottery and then winning it again. Kevin turned out to have so much ability creating products that solve every day problems in an easy way that Sully actually does his commercials now. You may have seen the Grill Glove and the Couch Coozy already.
Cami Secrit
Cami Secret Lace Cami
Well, the Cami Secret is kind of brilliant and again I have to hand it to the As Seen On TV people to come up with a lace cami product that actually comes in handy. You see, I often remark that was is so great about Seen On TV stuff is that it is usually so simple. Someone comes up with an invention that solves a problem which is much more widespread than people imagine. Most of the time when we see the solution on one of these ads we say to ourselves, "I could have thought of that"!
Read more at hubpages.comHowever, I often wonder if the problems referred to in the commercial are really significant problems. I get the clothes pin issue and how they can ruin clothes, but I'm wondering about the office situation. Are women really wearing tops to the office which require censorship? If so, I imagine it's done on purpose.
Fridge Locker Is Guest Starring On Pitchmen
January 17, 2011 by seenontvstuff
Comments (0)
I'm really not much of a reality show guy but Pitchmen was different. Here you had a bunch of inventors trying to get the corporate "know it alls" to take a gamble on bringing their product to market through infomercials. We all love to hate those late night ads but you really find yourself rooting for the little guy in this show and you have a chance to watch their real life success and failures.Read more at
Pitchmen Makes A Comeback
The return of Pitchmen is something I've been waiting since it was abruptly early into season 2 and it is returning to the Discovery Channel on January 18th at 7:00pm est. If you remember, this was the first season after the untimely death of Billy Mays and in my opinion the show was terrific.
Regardless of who is on the show, what stupid inventions or maybe even a few good ones, the show is a brilliant what I call higher reality show. Nobody is stuck on an island catching fish and running from bears for survival, well I know of at least one bear and some explosions so I may be wrong. The point is that unlike most reality shows this isn't a survival game in the jungle, Kevin Allen is not going to have to dance at the judges and the razor guys are not going to have to figure out how to vote a bear out of the studio. This show is about dreams and the chance to achieve them. Sure there is reward but it isn't a million dollars for standing on a pole longer than the other who is standing on the pole next to you, it is about the virtues of dreaming big, working hard, then working harder, making your own breaks and how not to let any possible failure take away anything from your journey. This show turns people into successes and crushes the guts out of the ones that are not so lucky.Now That's Television. So watch The Fridge Locker episode that we have all had to wait 4 months to see and lets watch Sully work with a bear. It'll be like having Billy Back.
The Fuel Shark Gas Saving Unit Review
The fuel shark is a simple and affordle new tool for your car that cuts cash off your gas bill. The fuel shark unit is more than meet the eye. This little gizmo plugs right into your car lighter and helps your car run better and save money on gas. Learn more by reading fuel shark reviews. Fuel shark creates a clean electrically enivroment for your car allowing it to run more smoothly and effieciently or at least that is what I have read. It all sound good to me but does it work? They say they have test it sucessfully with tens of thousands of consumers. I recently placed an order and I am looking forward to seeing what this new product has to offer for my gas guzzler. As soon as the fuel shark arrives I will fill you in. I have tried numerous things in the past but like fuel cleaners but it is so hard to tell. If you have tried the fuel shark or anything else that works please let me know I would love to hear your thoughts.
Hard Water Wand
Man, Sully must work 24/7 doing commercials. I can't believe this one.
The Hard Water Wand For Toilet Bowl Stains
Are you embarrassed about toilet stains? Then you need the Hard Water Wand. It literally takes a toilet that looks like doo and makes it look new. It’s secret is Volcanic Pumice which erases tough toilet stains without any harsh chemicals. It wipes away Calcium, Lime and Rust Build Up in your showers, sinks and toilets. The long handle means you never touch the dirty water! If you have stains it may not be your fault. Well water causes buildup in no time but the Hard Water Wand cleans it seconds.
The New Post Its
No More Sticky Size Problems
Zip Notes is a dispenser for a roll of post-it notes, and it allows you to alter the size and shape of every sticky note that you need. You need Zip Notes if you are feeling long-winded and require more space for your message. You also need it when you only want a small-sized sheet of sticky note paper to write down nothing but an email address. This little dispenser helps do away with wasted paper and provides additional opportunities for using your notes. It is great tool within the home, workplace, or wherever you go.Go ahead and admit it - one size almost never really fits all. The same holds true for adhesive notes. Finally you can choose the size you need because of the ingenious engineering of the Zip Note roller-cutter. Press the dispenser's switch and an inch of sticky-backed paper pops out. When you’ve got the perfectly sized sticky sheet for the job, just rip it apart with the help of the notched cutter right above the switch. It’s a tailored-for-you adhesive back notepad. Within the dispenser is a three-inch wide extra multi-positional roll of stick-back paper that’s a whopping 150 feet long. The paper roll has a very clever sticky stripe down its center that keeps your notes from curling up around the edges or simply falling off. This amount equals approximately 600 regular, three inch by three inch post-it notes.
Do you happen to have a rapidly growing to-do or grocery list, or do you like to make short love notes to insert into your husband's or children’s lunch containers? Because Zip Notes are adjustable in size, they are easily useable for all jobs, unlike all those cute little shapes like footballs, butterflies and kitten –shaped note pads. Everybody loves cute, but sometimes we find ourselves sticking two or three of those notes on an object, making them less economical for all jobs and limiting their use. With this convenient roller-cutter, you're able to remove and use as short or as long a piece as you want, making this a cost-effective alternative for shorter notes and giving you a far better reason to post your reminders anywhere and everywhere you want! It's the cleverest invention since shirts with pockets and Post-It notes.
Fridge Locker As Seen On TV
I'm so happy to see your As Seen On TV reviews site because I'm wild about the Fridge Locker. When I first saw it on Pitchmen I thought it was the absolutely stupidest thing I had ever seen, which made it the perfect infomercial product.
The Fridge Locker commercial was hilarious and the scene in Pitchmen showing the bear trying to break into the thing was an instant classic. I immediately thought this would become one of the most popular late night infomercials ever but wondered who actually needed the product.It dawned on me the next day at work that I was someone who needed it and there were probably a lot of others out there in the same situation. My issue is this. I work in a large office and as a group, the employees order food from Costco to be delivered to the office each month. It's great to have a stockpile of snacks and drinks at work and it definitely saves money doing the bulk thing. However, without fail, most of my sodas and fruit gets gobbled up by my coworkers. I never complain about it but others certainly do. It never occurred to me to have some type of food locker in the refrigerator to protect my food. Luckily, the inventors of the Fridge Locker did.So I ended up ordering the Fridge Locker because I could not find it in stores. I'm not much for buying things without actually holding it my hands first, but I took the risk because I knew having this in the office would be a lot of fun. I paid $19.99 plus shipping & handling. In total my order for two fridge lockers came to $34.97. I certainly don't need two of them because believe it or not, one of them holds plenty of food.When the fridge locker arrived I put it together in about five minutes. It came with 3 identical sides, a front gate and rear wall, a bunch of plastic clip inserts and a clip tool. The instructions were relatively simple and easy to follow. This was the first time in my life I ever bought a product that came with spare parts in case you lose some. I was very impressed by that and wanted to mention it. I had four clips left over and the extras were noted in the instructions.Once I had gotten it together I really wanted to put it to the test and see how sturdy it was. I tugged on it and even pulled on the sides it was surprisingly sturdy. The only weakness may be the gate because by definition the gate swings and the pegs where the gate connects with the sides might be vulnerable. But stealing food is a crime of opportunity and the Fridge Locker removes the opportunity so it is definitely strong enough to do the job.There was some question as to if it would be too large for the standard fridge, or be to small to hold a significant amount of food. I have to say that both of these issues were answered to my satisfaction. The fridge locker is designed to take up as little space possible in a standard size refrigerator.I'm so happy to see your As Seen On TV reviews site because I'm wild about the Fridge Locker. When I first saw it on Pitchmen I thought it was the absolutely stupidest thing I had ever seen, which made it the perfect infomercial product.
The Fridge Locker commercial was hilarious and the scene in Pitchmen showing the bear trying to break into the thing was an instant classic. I immediately thought this would become one of the most popular late night infomercials ever but wondered who actually needed the product.It dawned on me the next day at work that I was someone who needed it and there were probably a lot of others out there in the same situation. My issue is this. I work in a large office and as a group, the employees order food from Costco to be delivered to the office each month. It's great to have a stockpile of snacks and drinks at work and it definitely saves money doing the bulk thing. However, without fail, most of my sodas and fruit gets gobbled up by my coworkers. I never complain about it but others certainly do. It never occurred to me to have some type of food locker in the refrigerator to protect my food. Luckily, the inventors of the Fridge Locker did.So I ended up ordering the Fridge Locker because I could not find it in stores. I'm not much for buying things without actually holding it my hands first, but I took the risk because I knew having this in the office would be a lot of fun. I paid $19.99 plus shipping & handling. In total my order for two fridge lockers came to $34.97. I certainly don't need two of them because believe it or not, one of them holds plenty of food.When the fridge locker arrived I put it together in about five minutes. It came with 3 identical sides, a front gate and rear wall, a bunch of plastic clip inserts and a clip tool. The instructions were relatively simple and easy to follow. This was the first time in my life I ever bought a product that came with spare parts in case you lose some. I was very impressed by that and wanted to mention it. I had four clips left over and the extras were noted in the instructions.Once I had gotten it together I really wanted to put it to the test and see how sturdy it was. I tugged on it and even pulled on the sides it was surprisingly sturdy. The only weakness may be the gate because by definition the gate swings and the pegs where the gate connects with the sides might be vulnerable. But stealing food is a crime of opportunity and the Fridge Locker removes the opportunity so it is definitely strong enough to do the job.There was some question as to if it would be too large for the standard fridge, or be to small to hold a significant amount of food. I have to say that both of these issues were answered to my satisfaction. The fridge locker is designed to take up as little space possible in a standard size refrigerator.
The Big Boss
Your girlfriends are coming over and you’ve got all the right gatherings for a fun and relaxing girl’s night out; specialty drink mixes, a homemade bruschetta in the oven, and the latest chick flicks. But, oh no, your old massive blender just doesn’t do the job when it comes to delicious daiquiris, mouth-watering margaritas and foam covered lattes. Even if it did, who wants to dirty a big container for just one drink? The Big Boss Blender is perfect for entertaining, allowing you to become the expert bartender as you easily pour out all their requests without the big mess. This blender is compact, convenient and versatile.
The Perfect Punch
As a self proclaimed As Seen On TV junkie, I love to find out about new products. Perhaps it is my desire to poke fun at the ridiculous or my cynical nature but I love taking aim at a fresh new infomercial product whenever I get the chance. However, this time I'm actually impressed with what I have seen so far from the Perfect Punch.
No, it is not a recipe for the ultimate party drink or some fancy little scapbooking tool, it is the latest in a long line of As Seen On TV fitness products and I hate to say that this one has a real fighting chance to became an instant smash hit. Yep, we are going to see this one around for awhile and unfortunately for me, there is really nothing funny I can say about the product or the infomercial at all. The Perfect Punch seems to be the real deal.There are so many fitness products released every year and each one seems dumber than than the next, but the makers of the Perfect Punch are really on to something here and my gut tells me we may be looking at the next fitness fad.I have never seen a product that appeals more to the macho nature of man than the Perfect Punch and I have to admit that I am completely taken it. If you have not seen the commercial I can tell you that this entire product is based on MMA training principles. It is a simple, yet totally awesome, set of MMA Training Gloves attached together by a resistance band which trains you how to throw the perfect punch. It also provides a thorough low impact cardio workout.Mixed Martial Arts has never been as popular as it is today and fight fans will definitely want to get their hand on this training system. Even if they have no intention of ever stepping into the ring the principles of this workout have been proven effective time and time again. Boxers have been shadowboxing for years and the Perfect Punch is an updated version of this process geared toward training today's generation of fighters. The fact that people now have a way to train like their favorite fighters and look pretty cool doing it is what leads me to believe the Perfect Punch will be a hit right out of the gates. It is a novel idea among droves of fitness products but it is certainly no novelty. This is real training and fight preparation packaged up for us by FOX Sports celebrity Jay Glazer. But unlike most As Seen On TV fitness products, there are no weird machines that will just collect dust in the garage. The Perfect Punch comes with really awesome MMA Training Gloves, a couple of power bands which help provide progressive resistance during reps and Jay Glazer's workout DVD. It is a simple product which will be easy to use for everybody. And, the most impressive part is that everyone can benefit from it because it is really effective but even more fun to do. Everyone will enjoy using it because for most of us it will be a completely new way to workout. Experts are always talking about how important it is to change up your workouts and the Perfect Punch MMA Training system is a total departure from any routine you may be currently doing. I think you will even see this being used in health clubs around the country and I wouldn't be surprised if there were entire fitness classes built around the Perfect Punch itself.The jury is still out on the Perfect Punch but in my opinion it is case closed. Every once in awhile a new product will come out which is so innovative that even naysayers like me have to give it props. So if and when the Perfect Punch becomes the As Seen On TV fitness product of the year remember that you heard it here first.
Find out more about the Perfect Punch or Read to see Perfect Punch Reviews.
Easy Meals With the Butterball Turkey Fryer and Chef Basket
The Butterball Indoor Turkey Fryer
I had always heard that frying a turkey was risky business. Our son had one of these old fashioned turkey fryers that used boiling oil over an open flame. Of course, he set the fryer in the middle of the back yard so that if there was an explosion or fireball, he wouldn’t burn down the neighborhood. He did get scalded though. When he lowered the turkey into the boiling peanut oil, he hadn’t thoroughly dried it off, so he got splattered with boiling oil. After that, it was just a long process. The finished turkey wasn’t really tasty as it was somewhat greasy. When he said he was going to do it every Thanksgiving, I began to look for other alternatives to avoid the risks involved.
The Butterball Turkey Fryer has been advertised all over this year, especially on the As Seen On TV Commercials. If you haven’t heard about it, it’s a flame-less, indoor countertop appliance that won’t help you celebrate the holidays by burning down your house. Because it uses less oil (two gallons instead of three), it’s far healthier as well as safer than the original open flamed outdoor turkey fryer. Also, the temperature is controlled by a digital timer and thermostat so that you’re able to control the cooking time and get a perfectly fried turkey every time...crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. It will fry up to a 14 pound turkey with predictable, delicious results every time. I know because I ordered one for my son, and he did this year’s Thanksgiving turkey with it in about 45 minutes cooking time. The Butterball Indoor Turkey Fryer is a great way to get a moist, perfectly cooked turkey every time.
Using The Chef Basket
As Seen On TV has some really useful and unique items. My wife first saw the Chef Basket advertised on one of their commercials. This is a really versatile cooking aide that’s really handy to have in the kitchen. It’s really and ingenious colander type basket that’s collapsable, reversible and folds flat when not in use. When you want to use it, just flip it open to the appropriate side and use for frying, steaming, boiling or par-boiling. What makes this basket so unique is that the handles stay cool to the touch while the basket’s in use. So, you can take the Chef Basket full of pasta right out of the boiling water, rinse, and then pour directly into the serving dish without having to use a strainer or oven mitts.
For Thanksgiving, my wife used the Chef basket to make sweet potato fries to go with the fried Thanksgiving turkey. Boy, were they great. She just set the Chef Basket in the pot of boiling oil, dumped in the sweet potatoes, and fried them to a crisp golden brown. Makes your mouth water, doesn’t it!
So, these are two of the newest and best gizmos to have if you’re looking to make your life in the kitchen easier. They sure made our Thanksgiving dinner a treat to remember and look forward to next year!
The Wear Everywhere Ahh Bra
Heard of the Ahh Bra?
Everyone has their own favorite things to do in their spare time...if they can ever find spare time! So what do you do with yours? I exercise two or three times a week, but when it comes to just chilling out, I enjoy just lounging around watching TV. Several weeks ago, I happened to see one of these As Seen On TV spots advertising the Ahh Bra. I’d never heard of it before, although I’d seen Rhonda Schear, the comedienne who’s the major spokesperson for it. She’s known for late night comedy show, Up all Night, and really gave this bra her enthusiastic endorsement. I had really forgotten about the Ahh Bra until I saw my friend at the gym. While we were talking, she mentioned this fantastic new bra she bought, the Ahh Bra! Well...I Googled it when I got home, checked it out, and ordered the nude, black and white three bra package.
My Ahh Bra!
Since you've started having to wear a bra, how many styles and different brands have you tried in search of the perfectly fitting, comfortable bra? If you’re like me, you’ve tried on an untold amount of bras in search of one that really and truly fits comfortably. Are you part of the statistics that state that over 80% of American women are wearing the wrong size bra? Can there be anything more uncomfortable than a bra that doesn’t fit right?
I consider myself within the range of ”normal” in the bust department, so I really shouldn’t be that hard to fit. Yet, I definitely was a part of those statistics. All the more reason for me to quickly try on the Ahh Bra when it arrived! My major bra complaint has always been the shoulder straps. I guess I don’t have enough meat on my shoulders! The narrow straps on conventional bras always left pressure gouges and marks in my skin no matter how I tried to adjust them. What immediately turned me on with the Ahh Bra was the wide shoulder straps. Because the Ahh Bra is fabricated with 96% cotton and 4% spandex, the wide shoulder straps don’t apply pressure and dig in. In fact, the pullover racerback design of the bra is incredibly comfortable all over. The stretchy fabric does firm up my midsection a little, and the ribbing along the bottom edge helps to keep it from riding up while doing normal activities. The fabric gives me just the right amount of support regardless of what I’m doing, and the center ruching is comfortable, and enhances my natural cleavage.
By now you know that I really do love my Ahh Bra, and the Ahh Bra Reviews have been great, too! It’s so comfortable that it’s my everyday, all the time, go everywhere, do everything bra. I don’t worry about bra lines, bunching or bulging because of its seamless design. I wear it under everything, from the gym to a dressy dress. I just ordered my second set of Ahh Bras, and am telling my friends about it as well! But I really enjoy its comfort around the house. Remember I mentioned just lounging and watching TV? You can’t get too much of a good thing!
Couch Coozy Does It Work?
Couch Coozy Reviews: Does It Work
Read more at hubpages.comA few months ago I saw the Couch Coozy commercial and thought it was a very silly product. Lately I have noticed more and more infomercials running on Dish Network than ever before and I have to say some of them are down right nonsense. But as ridiculous as the idea for the Couch Coozy looked, I was intrigued.
Perfect Punch
The Perfect Punch For MMA Conditioning
The Perfect Punch is the latest and I will say the greatest fitness product to hit the As Seen On TV marketplace so far this year. But, I will admit that although I had very high hopes for the product when I first saw the commercial, I had only mild expectations for its effectiveness. Boy was I wrong. This thing killed me during my first week of working out and I was shocked out how simple it was to get started.
Read more at www.articlesbase.comIn case you have not yet seen the ad for yourself I will tell you that the Perfect Punch is an appropriately named MMA training system. It works by combining progressive resistance and interval training to develop technique, burn fat and create impressive power. From the moment it comes on TV it makes you want to own it. Perhaps it is the lure of the fight game or the fact that fighters are in such great shape but we all secretly want to know how to land the perfect punch and you learn this by default when you do this workout.
Couch Coozy Cup Holder
Review Couch Coozy Cup Holder
Please help fellow buyers take an informed decision by writing a Couch Coozy Cup Holder review. Here is what buyers want to know.
Couch Coozy Cup Holder
Are you tired of stretching and straining for just a sip? Avoid stains! Avoid spills on your favorite sofa with the amazing Couch Coozy Cup Holders! Get the incredible Couch Coozy Cup Holders that are made of tough plastic and come with an extra extender fin to fit into deeper couches for added balance.
How does Couch Coozy Cup Holder work?
All you have to do is simply attach the fin and slide it in between the cushions of your couch; it fits any sofa with cushions. Your drink will rest in the center of the Couch Coozy which comes complete with a mug handle slot that makes picking up mugs easier and no drip lip for an added layer of protection against spills and waste. Accidents will happen, but not with the Couch Coozy!
With Couch Coozy, refreshments are never out of reach. It’s perfect for study time or whenever you need an extra pair of hands; it allows you to relax and handles the drinks with ease. The ingenious Beverage-Leverage Technology keeps your drinks safe and secure. Forget about coasters and stop ruining your magazines just to keep your drinks out of reach, anyway.
Read more at seenontvstuff.posterous.comUse the power of beverage leverage to sip, gulp and guzzle your favorite hot or cold drinks in cups, bottles, cans or mugs, from the comfort of your sofa, knowing full well that you will not tip, you will not spill and you will not stain! The Couch Coozy Cup Holder is dishwasher safe too.
The Fridge Locker On Pitchmen
The Fridge Locker – No More Surprise Attacks on Your Snacks
If you have ever wanted to keep your most prized food possessions under lock and key then a new As Seen On TV product the “Fridge Locker” is perfect for you. This handy food storage safe t is versatile and looks like a cage with a combination lock on it, and can store your favorite foods that you do not want accessible. The best part about the fridge locker is that it is so portable; you can take it anywhere you want! Great for the Office and so much fun to see your work mates reaction when they go in for the steal.
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Discovering the Wonder File Organizer
Are You Organized?
Getting it all together and developing organizational skills is a really tough thing to do in today’s go-go world. Getting organized and staying that way almost impossible. It seems like there’s too many things to do each day, and not enough time to get everything accomplished. To come home every day from a hard day at the office or other places of employment, and then have to sit down to a cluttered table to try and sort through bills and receipts that you want to keep, just is a task that no one looks forward to. If you’re reading this, am I talking about you?
A Look at the Wonder File Organizer
The Thanksgiving Holiday was a great TV watching time for me. That’s when I first saw the Wonder File on an As Seen On TV commercial. In case you haven’t seen one of these, the Wonder File Organizer is a desktop, fold-up, portable organizer that fits neatly into a drawer or on a shelf when you’re done with it. What I first noticed was how much stuff, i.e., clutter and paper, you could store away in the Wonder File and easily get to later when you needed it.
When you unfold the rectangular Wonder File, the first thing you will notice is the clear vinyl sleeves on each of the four corners. These clear sleeves make papers, receipts, bills or any other documents readily visible and easy to retrieve. Meanwhile, these items are neatly stored flat and organized so they’re at your finger tips when you need them. Then, there are other vinyl storage compartments; two about the size of large #10 envelopes for keeping pens, pencils, paper clips and other loose items that are never around when you need them. Then, in the center, there’s an enclosed storage area large enough to store a laptop computer or note pads. If you’re doing your bills or working with your checkbook, then all you have top do is open up your Wonder File Organizer and everything is right there...all at the same time. No more searching for pencils and erasers or going through stacks of paper trying to find that bill you neglected to pay last week. For secure or hidden storage, there’s a zippered compartment underneath the bottom edge that will keep your private papers out of sight.
Using the Wonder File
You really can get carried away with the As Seen On TV ordering process, but I did take advantage of their offer and got two of them. I kept one for me to get myself organized and gave the other one to my son who cannot keep track of his school work, papers and assignments. My wife loves the fact that I bought it because she can now see the top of the dining room table because I have tidied up and stored what I needed to keep in the Wonder File Organizer. It took some doing to get my son in the habit of using his Wonder File for his homework assignments and other projects. But now that he’s using it on a regular basis, he’s become much more organized over all, even picking up his room!
If you know of anyone whose organizational skills could use some help, then the Wonder File would make a terrific gift. They will definitely be able to save time by using it, and will really appreciate your thoughtfulness!
Chef Basket the Ultimate Kitchen Tool
The Chef Basket is a multi-functional kitchen tool that makes your work quick and easy. This flexible basket makes cooking, boiling, or deep frying foods a cinch. Plus it’s safer than regular pots that have handles which burn your hands. Even with boiling water or hot oil, this specially designed wire basket has handles that stay cool to the touch. The Basket that Flips, Expands and Collapses Imagine going from the pot to the plate with hot pasta or taking rinsed food from the sink to the pot in one easy motion? No more pouring boiling water into a colander or placing clean vegetables on a cutting board or other bowl just to take to the pot.
This cooking wonder makes cooking pasta, hard boiled eggs, veggies, and even fry’s your food easily. Invert the Chef Basket and it turns into the ultimate steamer that keeps food being steamed well above water. Flip down the handles and it’s a free standing colander. Best of all, it folds flat for easy storage anywhere. Replace All Your Old Bulky Strainers and Colanders It is another amazing kitchen gadget to make your life easier. However, when you open your cabinets to find a place for it, all your other wonderful tools come piling out. You just don’t have the room for something else, right? Well, how about being able to get rid of four or five of those unneeded tools? The Chef Basket adjusts to be a strainer, cooker, steamer and colander, plus it stores completely flat so you can actually fit it into a drawer! It’s a new year, find the freedom in purging the old and begin to cook more safely while you enjoy the versatility of the Chef Basket.