Read more at www.merchantaccount.comAdditionally, American Express is also encouraging consumers to be supportive of Small Business Saturday by offering a statement credit of $25 to 100,000 cardholders who register their card and use it to shop at any participating locally-owned and independent small business on Nov. 26. Plus, for every person who “likes” Small Business Saturday on Facebook, the company will donate $1 (up to $500,000) to Girls Inc., a non-profit organization that empowers young women to be the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
Merchant Accounts salutes our small business merchants and encourages them to participate in and promote Small Business Saturday 2011.
Small Business Saturday
Credit Card Processing
Ever given any thought to what happens during a credit card transaction immediately after you swipe your card? It’s not all smoke and mirrors, but rather a highly-secure, high-tech process that transpires in mere seconds. In a nutshell, Merchant Account® presents Credit Card Processing 1.0.
Credit Card Processing begins with a card swipe (or, alternatively, with the manual entry of data on a website payment page or a PIN pad) by the customer or merchant. The credit/debit card account number, sale total and merchant ID number are transmitted electronically and simultaneously over the merchant’s credit card processor’s network. Companies like Merchant Account® that provide credit card processing services are known by several names: credit card processors, merchant services providers, processors and acquirers.
Once the transaction clears the processor’s network, it’s sorted by card brand and routed to the proper credit card computer network — MasterCard® transactions to the MC network, Visa® to Visa, and so on. From there, the transaction is routed to the bank that issued the card, which is responsible for checking the account to make sure the customer has adequate credit to cover the transaction charges. If so, the bank authorizes the sale and notifies the merchant over the network. The merchant issues a receipt to the customer, who leaves with their merchandise. But the sale is not yet complete.
Each day at the close of business, the merchant must send all that day’s charges through the merchant services provider to the credit card processing network. This is known as batch processing. Individual transactions are sorted out by issuing bank and sent on to the banks, which debit the cardholders’ accounts and pay the processor through the Federal Reserve’s Automated Clearing House (ACH).
The credit card processor, in turn, credits the funds to the merchant’s account. This part of the process can take up to two days. The processor charges fees, typically on a monthly basis, to the merchant account, although sometimes this is done on a per-transaction basis. The fees encompass payments to the issuing banks, the credit card networks and the processor for services rendered.
All merchants who accept credit cards must first establish a merchant account, which is the basis for credit card processing. This account is strictly between the merchant and the credit card processor and is totally separate from any other bank accounts the merchant may own.
If you’re interested in adding credit card processing to your business, Merchant Account can help. Contact a sales representative today to get started.
Accept Credit Cards For The Holidays
Read more at www.merchantaccount.comBut first, what could you miss out on if you do not accept credit cards this holiday season? Your slice of the pie — and it could be a generous slice, according to the National Retail Federation’s 2011 Holliday Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey.
How To Save On Your Merchant Accounts Fees
With debit swipe fee reform now implemented, retailers nationwide are anticipating saving on the interchange portion of their merchant accounts fees. Preliminary data indicates that millions of dollars in charges may be coming their way.
The Durbin Amendment to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 went into effect on October 1, 2011. Under it, the Federal Reserve capped the interchange fees banks can charge on debit card transactions at 21 cents, plus 0.05 percent of the transaction. Issuers are also allowed to charge an additional penny per debit transaction to offset their fraud prevention costs. The new average swipe fee for a debit card purchase is 23 cents, compared to the pre-Durbin average of 44 cents.
It’s important to note that the legislation applies only to Visa® and MasterCard® debit cards (not credit cards), and only to banks with more than $10 billion in assets. It caps the interchange fees that the banks charge, but does not apply to third-part processors, who can charge whatever they want to their merchant accounts customers.
“As an industry, we’re really pleased that the new rules have now taken effect,” Connecticut Retail Merchants Association President Timothy Phelan recently told the Hartford Business Journal. “We really won’t know the true benefit until the retailers get their statements.” Phelan added that he expects that merchants, in time, will pass along any savings they receive to their merchant accounts customers.
The business journal reported that Connecticut merchants could expect to save about $260 for every $100,000 in Visa and MasterCard debit charges they process.
In the months leading up to its enactment, the Durbin Amendment prompted an epic battle on Capitol Hill that pit credit card-issuing banks against merchants and their associations. The banks argued that they would lose billions of dollars in revenue from lower fees — income they threatened to recoup by charging debit card customers monthly fees to use their cards. Several major banks, including Bank of America, Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan Chase, dropped that idea after cardholders rebelled and threatened to close their accounts.
For now, retailers are waiting for their first post-Durbin Amendment merchant accounts statements to arrive to see how they’ve fared under the new rules. If they have questions regarding their savings, they should discuss them with their merchant services provider representative.
Why It Pays To Accept Credit Cards
One of the biggest challenges for a small business is competing with larger businesses with greater resources. One proven strategy for leveling the playing field is to accept credit cards. After all, 78 percent of American consumers own a credit card, and 80 percent own a debit card.¹ That’s a huge market that no merchant can afford to ignore — especially small businesses who don’t plan on remaining small for long.
Small businesses that start to accept credit cards benefit in a variety of ways. Most obviously, they immediately become an option for patrons who prefer to pay with plastic. In their eyes, seeing the logos of the major credit cards in a merchant’s shop or on their e-Commerce website means that merchant is in the same league as much larger retailers. Since most small businesses strive to offer the superior customer service that the Big Boys often can’t or won’t, it’s a no brainer that they should expand their payment options to include the debit and credit cards consumers use so frequently.
Secondly, the convenience of credit cards cuts both ways. Consumers appreciate swiping their card and cutting the transaction time to just seconds so they can be on their way. But merchants benefit, too. Shorter transaction times mean they can serve more customers more efficiently. And, at the end of the day, merchants can send all their transactions in one batch to their credit card processor for electronic settlement, knowing that within days the proceeds will land in their account.
Credit card processing with a reputable merchant services provider like Merchant Account® is a very secure operation. State-of-the-art encryption technology keeps cardholder and account information safe, as does our PCI-compliant electronic payment gateway Transaction Express™. Whether a merchant accepts credit cards with a countertop terminal, an online virtual terminal or in the field with our mobile PayFox® service, the transaction is protected from fraudsters and identity thieves.
Merchants who accept credit cards also usually see an increase in sales. The reason is simple: Credit card shoppers tend to spend more than shoppers who pay with cash or a check. Impulse buying and upgrading to a higher level of merchandise are both possible when the shopper taps a line of credit instead of a wallet to pay.
Finally, there are savings to be realized from accepting credit cards. Merchants spend less time making bank runs and processing paper checks. New credit card processing options like wireless and mobile mean that merchants who deliver services or products to customers’ homes or businesses can collect right then and there, foregoing the time-consuming and expensive billing and collection process.
Today’s credit card processing is fast, convenient and safe, and the many options available give merchants the opportunity to work with a merchant services provider to design a package that meets all their requirements. For small business, being able to accept credit cards is the smart way to go and grow.
¹ Source: “The Survey of Consumer Payment Choice,” Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, January 201
Why It Pays To Accept Credit Cards
It Pays Off For Small Business To Accept Credit Cards
One of the biggest challenges for a small business is competing with larger businesses with greater resources. One proven strategy for leveling the playing field is to accept credit cards. After all, 78 percent of American consumers own a credit card, and 80 percent own a debit card.¹ That’s a huge market that no merchant can afford to ignore — especially small businesses who don’t plan on remaining small for long.
Small businesses that start to accept credit cards benefit in a variety of ways. Most obviously, they immediately become an option for patrons who prefer to pay with plastic. In their eyes, seeing the logos of the major credit cards in a merchant’s shop or on their e-Commerce website means that merchant is in the same league as much larger retailers. Since most small businesses strive to offer the superior customer service that the Big Boys often can’t or won’t, it’s a no brainer that they should expand their payment options to include the debit and credit cards consumers use so frequently.
Secondly, the convenience of credit cards cuts both ways. Consumers appreciate swiping their card and cutting the transaction time to just seconds so they can be on their way. But merchants benefit, too. Shorter transaction times mean they can serve more customers more efficiently. And, at the end of the day, merchants can send all their transactions in one batch to their credit card processor for electronic settlement, knowing that within days the proceeds will land in their account.
Credit card processing with a reputable merchant services provider like Merchant Account® is a very secure operation. State-of-the-art encryption technology keeps cardholder and account information safe, as does our PCI-compliant electronic payment gateway Transaction Express™. Whether a merchant accepts credit cards with a countertop terminal, an online virtual terminal or in the field with our mobile PayFox® service, the transaction is protected from fraudsters and identity thieves.
Merchants who accept credit cards also usually see an increase in sales. The reason is simple: Credit card shoppers tend to spend more than shoppers who pay with cash or a check. Impulse buying and upgrading to a higher level of merchandise are both possible when the shopper taps a line of credit instead of a wallet to pay.
Finally, there are savings to be realized from accepting credit cards. Merchants spend less time making bank runs and processing paper checks. New credit card processing options like wireless and mobile mean that merchants who deliver services or products to customers’ homes or businesses can collect right then and there, foregoing the time-consuming and expensive billing and collection process.
Today’s credit card processing is fast, convenient and safe, and the many options available give merchants the opportunity to work with a merchant services provider to design a package that meets all their requirements. For small business, being able to accept credit cards is the smart way to go and grow.
¹ Source: “The Survey of Consumer Payment Choice,” Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, January 201
It Pays Off For Small Business To Accept Credit Cards
Read more at www.merchantaccount.comSmall businesses that start to accept credit cards benefit in a variety of ways. Most obviously, they immediately become an option for patrons who prefer to pay with plastic. In their eyes, seeing the logos of the major credit cards in a merchant’s shop or on their e-Commerce website means that merchant is in the same league as much larger retailers. Since most small businesses strive to offer the superior customer service that the Big Boys often can’t or won’t, it’s a no brainer that they should expand their payment options to include the debit and credit cards consumers use so frequently.
Accept credit Cards On Your Site
Congratulations! You’ve built a website and are ready to start doing business on the Internet! Since this is the World Wide Web we’re talking about, and not a storefront, your transactions will be almost exclusively of the credit card variety. Luckily, it’ll take a lot less time to set up a merchant account to accept credit cards online than it did to create your site.
Credit Card Processing Fees
Most people realize that credit card processing is a necessary evil if you plan to compete in a customer service oriented business. If you cannot give your customers what they want, then you cannot compete. And, at least for the time being, they want to pay by credit cards.
Read more at ecyberuniversity.netWith that said, we may as well point out that there are fees involved with credit card processing and it is all part of the program. But in exchange for fees, small businesses get services which make running a payment system easy and efficient. The good news is that with so many merchant services providers out there, the processing fees you will have to pay can vary greatly. The best way to make sure you are not going to pay too much is to understand the basic types of fees involved.
Small Business Merchant Accounts
Small Business Merchant Accounts
Read more at ecyberuniversity.netIf you are already in a small business and want to accept credit cards, then looking into different credit card processing companies is less important than classifying your needs. The types of products you need are dependent on your industry and your volume of sales. All too often, business owners assume they need a standard merchant services plan and they pay a lot more than they should.
Prepaid Credit Cards Becoming More Popular
There are basically two types of prepaid cards: closed loop and open loop. Closed loop prepaid cards are merchant specific and can be used only in a single store or group of stores. Consequently, merchants often sell or give them to customers as gift or loyalty cards. Open loop prepaid cards are issued by banks and credit card companies and are more versatile than closed loop cards because they are network branded with one of the major credit card logos (Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express® or Discover®) and can be used wherever they accept credit cards.
Read more at www.merchantaccount.comAdditionally, open loop prepaid cards are reloadable and can be used for bank-related activities like ATM cash withdrawals. For many people, open loop cards are an attractive and convenient alternative to closed loop gift cards and to carrying large sums of cash.
Snap On Feathers
But Snap On Feathers are a DIY stylist’s dream. They snap in and are perfect every time. If you don’t like the location or how they hang, then just move them. It’s that easy with Snap On Feathers. No harm, No Fowl
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Solyndra's Business Loans
What Happened With Solyndra’s Business Loans
By far, one of the most interesting business loans to talk about in some time has been this nonsense with Solyndra Inc. This was the business loan gone bad that the government restructured in early 2011 and effectively dragged us into the Solar Panel industry. It has been making headlines since the deal went bust and it has really been quite difficult to make heads or tails of the whole thing.
Some Great New Dog Beds Online
Your pet pooch does so much for your family that appreciation should not only be shown by how they are fed or taken care of but also where they rest, and this is where dog beds come in. Beds for dogs come in many shapes, sizes and forms, some being more exotic than others. For those who are buying for the first time, finding the perfect bed for your dog can be quite challenging, if not, daunting. With thousands of selections available in the market, how will you know that what you're looking at is the right one? Need help? The tips below may be of some assistance.
First off, you'll want to determine the size of the bed. This is easily determined by measuring your dog in both length and height will do. But what if your pet is still in its growing stages? Well, you can choose a slightly bigger bed, but take note that you may still end up buying a new one if he is able to outgrow it. Don't choose an adult sized bed for a pup as he may only feel uncomfortable with it.
Secondly, and if possible, you'll want a bed that you can reuse over and over again. Make sure that if the bed itself is not washable, the covers can at least be removed for cleaning. This will ensure that your dog stays clean and feeling fresh all the time, not to mention that it can make the bed look so much more inviting to sleep in for your dog.
Third, consider the essential accessories. For colder seasons, get an accompanying blanket to go along with the bed. What's even better is that for as long as you are willing to spend the time searching, you'll actually be able to find dog beds that already include a blanket with the deal. Whether you buy them individually or as a pair, blankets are essential accessories that you should take into account so make sure you spend some time checking them out.
Last but not the least; buy beds that will suit your dog. If your pooch is not really particular with whatever design you get then this won't be an issue. There are instances however where your pet will tend to set its preferences over a particular design or style which is why you may want to bring him along when shopping for dog beds. This will ensure that he's going to be happy and comfortable with what you'll be getting for him.
As Seen On TV
Bake Pops are the Ultimate Cake Lollipops Wait till you try Bake Pop! Bake Pops are small, round bits of cake on the end of a stick. They are the newest craving and are replacing the cupcake as the new to-go cake food. Bake Pop is the perfect size treats you
Small Dog Houses
Outback Twin Peaks Dog Houses
Read more at www.dogcratesncarriers.com37″ x 30″ x 30″ Small
Would you love to provide your dog with a comfortable out door home that he deserves?
The quality of the Outback Twin Peaks dog house can provide just that. You will also enjoy the style that it lends to your back yard. You can rest knowing that your furry friend will have the Protection from any weather condition because of its weather-resistant sealed coating, solid wood construction, and an extended eave. It also features a weather resistant liner within the roof to offer extra protection. All this together will improve the quality of outdoor living for your pet. Outback Twin Peaks Dog Houses are a wise choice for your pets comfortable in any weather.
Credit Card Processing
Merchant Express is a full-service merchant services provider that has helped thousands of businesses with their credit card processing needs since 1998. We offer merchant accounts, cutting edge technology and secure processing at budget-friendly rates to meet the individual requirements of our clients.
We continue to build our business on the pillars of honesty, integrity and outstanding customer service that have earned us an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. Learn more about Merchant Express and our merchant account options – POS retail, wireless, mobile, eCommerce, phone – then talk to us about your business.
See more at
Crowdfunding Business Loans
Who ever said getting small business loans was easy in a down economy was not exactly telling the truth. They have always been easy to secure but the mainstream borrower has always looked toward conventional lenders and this has created a type of Pavlov’s dog borrowing scenario. So when times are tough and traditional lenders aren’t lending, people believe capital is hard to come by.
Read more at www.loanforsmallbusiness.netThis particular investment club had a model for loaning to local agricultural operations which ran sustainable local businesses. In this example the borrower’s business was in livestock and after a thorough application process, the investment club made them a small business loan of $5,000 for 3 years at 5% interest. A very small loan but at a great rate for the borrower who showed the ability to repay the loan in the specified time period.
Are Business Loans Now Easier To Get?
The news regarding business loans has been anything clear over the last several months. We have been hearing that Government backed business loans would be readily available since the passing of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. So what is really going on, and what can small business owners expect to find in the marketplace.
The truth seems to be that while SBA restrictions have eased regarding the cost to apply for business loans and the percentage of amounts of the loans they will guarantee has increased, little has been done to help borrowers understand whether or not they will qualify for loans. Easing restrictions and lessening the risks for lenders to encourage them to lend is just one part of the equation.
The part that really matters is that these same lenders who have easier access to funds are now being held to higher standards with regards to how they distribute the money. Before 2008, banks would do just about anything to push loans through with little concern for a borrower’s ability to pay back money or if their businesses were credit worthy to begin with. We have already seen the consequences of such lending practices and the banking industry has recovered nicely due to the bailouts.
But things have changed and banks are now being held responsible for vetting their applicants and pushing through every applicant is simply not happening anymore. You may not infer this from the headline news stories we see about small business owners being eligible for all types of loan programs designed to jump start the economy, but there is no reason to believe that Government backed money is out there for everyone. SBA Loans are only for those who are attractive applicants, and while this is exactly how it should be, it does not really help those who have been treading water since 2008 and sacrificing their good business credit in order to do so.
The good news for the economy is that more and more people are looking to borrow money. This is a key indicator on the state of economic conditions and shows that things are looking up. On a larger scale, commercial mortgage lenders are reporting an increase in demand for capital and community banks are reporting a rise in requests for small business finacings. So the overall picture is definitely positive, but for the little guy looking for a break, nontraditional lenders are going to be the best option.
Small business owners have been turning to unsecured business loans from companies like Seed Capital for years. The availability of such business loans has remained constant through good economic times and bad ones. Unlike SBA Loans, these particular loans do not come with restrictions regarding the way proceeds are allocating and the fact that they can be used to pay down current debt is particularly appealing to borrowers in the current economic atmosphere. The application process is much quicker and in the majority of circumstances will be absolutely free. So for anyone struggling with decisions about borrowing, they should consider these type of business loans as a very viable option.
Are Business Loans Available
Are Business Loans Really Easily Available?
Read more at www.businessloan.orgThe truth seems to be that while SBA restrictions have eased regarding the cost to apply for business loans and the percentage of amounts of the loans they will guarantee has increased, little has been done to help borrowers understand whether or not they will qualify for loans. Easing restrictions and lessening the risks for lenders to encourage them to lend is just one part of the equation.
Credit Card Processing And Durbin's Amendment
In just over a week the Durbin Amendment goes into affect targeting credit card processing fees. It has been a long time coming but will it provide the relief that it is intended too? The common belief is yes but if we dig a little deeper, questions will arise.
The whole thing started as a result of the credit crunch which rocked the economy in 2008. Last year the Dodd-Frank Act was passed which attempted to reel in financial regulations which Wall Street sorely lacked. This new Amendment focuses on Credit Card processing fees which of late, have become overly burdensome for small business owners. The fees they must pay to their merchant account providers is dipping into their profits and must ultimately passed on to consumers.To make a confusing piece of legislation as simple as possible, let us define a generalization for the entire Dodd-Frank Act as it applies to humans. It was simply a reaction to the credit crunch of 2008 and contains what is considered to be the most drastic attempt at policing financial regulation ever. Whether it works or not or is simply nothing more than political posturing is yet to be determined but we will only concern ourselves here with the Durbin Amendment to Dodd-Frank.This Amendment is focused on credit card processing, mainly debit cards and how big banks have been muscling merchants and forcing them to accept less than competitive merchant services because of their sheer size and power. Currently, big banks are able to impose penalties on merchants for giving customers incentives to pay by cash or using other payment networks to pay for items.As consumers we often believe the price of something is what we pay for it but it is a little more complicated than that. Merchants must pay transaction fees to accept credit cards and these fees dip into their profits when accepting a credit card as opposed to cash. This is why there are always little signs on the register telling us that we must spend a minimum for a merchant to accept credit cards, or sometimes they tell us that it will be a dollar or so surcharge before they swipe our card. This money does not go to the merchant, but the merchant services provider.In a lot of cases a merchant has to declare a minimum or even maximum sale to avoid the pitfalls of they may face from their merchant services provider and the Amendment aims to stop this. Merchants are even penalized for loyalty programs, accepting checks and processing gift cards so this legislation was needed to provide relief for merchants drowning in fees.The Durbin Amendment clearly states the maximum a merchant services provider can earn on a transaction and for those keeping score it goes like this. For a debit card transaction highest interchange fee an issuer can charge 21 cents plus a max of 5 basis points multiplied by the amount of the transaction. This Amendment also focuses on interchange, which simply put, is the fee a merchant's bank has to pay to its customer's bank to pull the money due from the customer's account. The intent of the Durbin Amendment is to bring direct relief to merchants but many critics say the banks will resort of other tactics to make up the lost revenues. We have already seen the disappearance of debit rewards programs for consumers and the days of free checking accounts are all but gone. An assortment of new fees we have never even heard of will undoubtedly pop up on or about October 1st so while there are major changes around the bend for credit card processing, ultimately we will have to watch the spending behavior of consumers to gauge its success.Wednesday
How To Choose Your Merchant Account Provider
Read more at www.merchantaccount.comFor starters, what is a merchant account provider? In simplest terms, it is an entity that enables businesses to accept credit and debit cards in payment for goods and services. You may also hear them referred to as merchant services providers, credit card processors and acquirers.
Babysitters Now Accept Credit Cards
When I was a teenager I never even thought about credit cards and accepting them could probably earn me more money as a babysitter. People would probably even tip better because they would not be limited to the amount of cash they had on hand at the end of a long night. The convenience factor would have been great for them and as a babysitter I could have offered a great service.
Alternatives To Business Loans
The rationale behind this campaign is the fact that commercial lending rates are at near absolute all-time lows & the ability to access some of this cheap capital has become significantly easier since last year. The third reason & perhaps say the least reason being that it is an excellent time for companies to market share to competitors that are downsizing or leaving their chosen sector altogether.
"Never since the Great Depression has there been so much turmoil in financial markets & lower floor apartment at the same time," said Matt Reed, an associate at Clopton Capital, "I may sound like an unshakable optimist to say this, but because of superior technology, low interest rates, & a community hungry to find new opportunities this era could create some of the largest fortunes ever seen in history. ""Clopton Capital is an organisation that was started based on the belief the financial crisis sensibly can be transformed into opportunities. We feel that proves competitive alternative financing options to the many companies that need us now more than ever is incredibly important work, "said Jake Clopton, founder of Clopton Capital Lending LLC |. Clopton Capital, a Chicago-based SBA loan provider want business owners to know that there may very well be better alternatives to today's commercial loans. While the SBA loan sounds as if they're exclusively for small businesses, Clopton Capital now cover SBA loans up to $ fifteen million. "Most people wouldn't be a company that borrows $ fifteen million to," said Jake Clopton.SBA business loans have been the primary choice for years with most new & existing small business owners. The loans are made to be somewhat easy to guarantee, thanks partly guaranteed by the Small Business Administration, & is quite competitive since SBA loans are typically issued to companies that are high risk or built on ideas that haven't yet been established by another company's success.Wednesday
Perfect Punch MMA Workouts
Fighters are you ready… for the Perfect Punch!
The Perfect Punch Gloves are the key to MMA Workouts at home. These high quality MMA training gloves are attached to a heavy duty band which creates progressive resistance throughout the striking motion to help increase your strength and speed. This MMA Workout also provides immediate form feedback so your technique will become “Perfect”. Continual training with the Perfect Punch will help reshape those tired arms and ignite your shoulder muscles like never before.
Perfect Punch MMA Workouts At Home Build:
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Business Loans
Carolina Lenders Join Business Loan Program
Read more at www.businessloan.orgHere’s some interesting business loans news which may serve to spark a trend among lenders. In North Carolina 11 Mecklenburg County lenders have teamed up to join a program which promises to provide more business loans to small businesses and nonprofit organizations. The focus will be applications which fall just outside the normal underwriting guidelines these lenders typically focus on which, in theory, would open up financing opportunities for a wider range of businesses.
UFC Personal Trainer
Cool Game
At this point it’s plainly obvious that MMA Workouts are quickly becoming popular in the fitness world but MMA Workouts are also gaining popularity in the gaming world.
With the release of UFC Personal Trainer, MMA Workouts entered the homes all over America through the Xbox Kinect and PlayStation game systems. This helps bring a new audience to this type of fitness training who may have not yet heard of things like Jay Glazer’s Perfect Punch.
UFC Personal Trainer MMA Workouts
Read more at www.perfectpunchgloves.comSo both UFC Personal Trainer and Jay Glazer’s Perfect Punch are bringing MMA Workouts to the masses and doing so by taking advantage of the huge home fitness market. People are always looking for fun new ways to workout. The fact that both of these provide actual MMA Workouts with a crossover cardio workout, and can be done by anyone at any skill level, may help to explain why they are in such high demand.
NFL Players Doing MMA Workouts
MMA Workouts have become a phenomenal way for not only the NFL Players to stay in shape during the Lockout, but a way to learn new skills that will translate to field and give them a competitive advantage of other players who have not stepped up their training. MMA Workouts are not for the faint of heart in general and some of the NFL toughest guys look like fools when they hit the cage on day 1 but those who really have desire to get better are able to hang on.
So as one of Glazer’s prize pupils in their MMA Workouts, Marcedes Lewis appears to be the most fit Tight End going into 2011 and watching his MMA Workouts shows clear improvement in how he controls his body. He is going punish people who try and bring him down and I believe he will have tons of YAC yards this season. Can’t Wait Marcedes!
Read more at www.perfectpunch.tvMarcedes Lewis & Clay Matthews Use Perfect Punch
Lifestyle Lift is a Neck Lift Without Surgery
My recent post about a neck lift without surgery caused me a lot of grief around Uberazzi so I really need to clarify my position on the neck lift. First, Lifestyle Lift is the name of the surgical we all hear about and the Neckline Lift is the new As Seen On TV neck lift without surgery product I was wanting to make fun of. The only thing was that when I saw the corny Neckline Lifts infomercial I actually liked the product.
It is pretty much my passion to make fun of all the silly things people do in Hollywood for vanity and I planned to jump all this neck lift without surgery fad as it ripped through L.A. but that dumb infomercial made me begin to pay attention to just how much demand there was for Neck Lift Surgery. I knew about the run of the mill face or brow lift and I'm a big proponent of Hair Transplants as long as the expectations are reasonable but I was baffled by the neck lift.
But as I started writing jokes for my post, I began to see the benefit of how simple the Neckline Lifts were and how much pain and money they could save people because I'm not seeing tremendous results from the actual Lifestyle Lifts surgery. In Beverly Hills a neck lift will run you over $8,000 and there is no hiding the fact that you've done it. As with any surgery there is a recovery period and no matter what anyone says, there will be at least minor pain involved.
My theory is that if we could all see what we would look like after the Lifestyle Lift, most of us wouldn't even bother with the procedure. This was my main point. I wasn't knocking cosmetic surgery. I love cosmetic surgery, especially the bad kind. There is nothing better than seeing some lady walking down Rodeo with giant sun glasses and huge duck lips just thinking she's cheated Father Time with her Gold Card and special relationship with Dr Whoever. It's hilarious. But really not necessary.
And here is why. I'm sure there are many cases where the Lifestyle Lift surgery is really the right answer for a patient and the surgeon performing it can really change their lives. But, for most people it is not corrective or life changing. It's a little whim of a surgery that they believe will make them look better. But most of us look fine and and the change will be so very slight we will just think we notice. And, I'm not about surgery for that reason. Well, at least until you've thought it through.
If you can invest $9 in Neckline Lifts instead of $8,000 for Lifestyle Lifts you can figure out what you may look like after a procedure and play around to find your best look. Often times when we go for a consult, the surgeon tells us what we want to look like based on what he can do. We need to have our own understanding of what we want and then find out the surgeon can do. If they say they can't do it, don't get talked into their plan. Either find another opinion or accept that you are not a candidate for the type of procedure you want.
So being who I am professionally, I encourage you all to go out and get bad cosmetic surgery that you can't afford so I can make fun of you. But as a person I would prefer that you got Neckline Lifts and tried a neck lift without surgery before you did anything costly, painful and drastic.
Lifestyle Lift is a Neck Lift Without Surgery
My recent post about a neck lift without surgery caused me a lot of grief around Uberazzi so I really need to clarify my position on the neck lift. First, Lifestyle Lift is the name of the surgical we all hear about and the Neckline Lift is the new As Seen On TV neck lift without surgery product I was wanting to make fun of. The only thing was that when I saw the corny Neckline Lifts infomercial I actually liked the product.
It is pretty much my passion to make fun of all the silly things people do in Hollywood for vanity and I planned to jump all this neck lift without surgery fad as it ripped through L.A. but that dumb infomercial made me begin to pay attention to just how much demand there was for Neck Lift Surgery. I knew about the run of the mill face or brow lift and I'm a big proponent of Hair Transplants as long as the expectations are reasonable but I was baffled by the neck lift.
But as I started writing jokes for my post, I began to see the benefit of how simple the Neckline Lifts were and how much pain and money they could save people because I'm not seeing tremendous results from the actual Lifestyle Lifts surgery. In Beverly Hills a neck lift will run you over $8,000 and there is no hiding the fact that you've done it. As with any surgery there is a recovery period and no matter what anyone says, there will be at least minor pain involved.
My theory is that if we could all see what we would look like after the Lifestyle Lift, most of us wouldn't even bother with the procedure. This was my main point. I wasn't knocking cosmetic surgery. I love cosmetic surgery, especially the bad kind. There is nothing better than seeing some lady walking down Rodeo with giant sun glasses and huge duck lips just thinking she's cheated Father Time with her Gold Card and special relationship with Dr Whoever. It's hilarious. But really not necessary.
And here is why. I'm sure there are many cases where the Lifestyle Lift surgery is really the right answer for a patient and the surgeon performing it can really change their lives. But, for most people it is not corrective or life changing. It's a little whim of a surgery that they believe will make them look better. But most of us look fine and and the change will be so very slight we will just think we notice. And, I'm not about surgery for that reason. Well, at least until you've thought it through.
If you can invest $9 in Neckline Lifts instead of $8,000 for Lifestyle Lifts you can figure out what you may look like after a procedure and play around to find your best look. Often times when we go for a consult, the surgeon tells us what we want to look like based on what he can do. We need to have our own understanding of what we want and then find out the surgeon can do. If they say they can't do it, don't get talked into their plan. Either find another opinion or accept that you are not a candidate for the type of procedure you want.
So being who I am professionally, I encourage you all to go out and get bad cosmetic surgery that you can't afford so I can make fun of you. But as a person I would prefer that you got Neckline Lifts and tried a neck lift without surgery before you did anything costly, painful and drastic.
Neck Lift Without Surgery
But as I started writing jokes for my post, I began to see the benefit of how simple the Neckline Lifts were and how much pain and money they could save people because I'm not seeing tremendous results from the actual Lifestyle Lifts surgery. In Beverly Hills a neck lift will run you over $8,000 and there is no hiding the fact that you've done it. As with any surgery there is a recovery period and no matter what anyone says, there will be at least minor pain involved.
Read more at uberazzi.comMy theory is that if we could all see what we would look like after the Lifestyle Lift, most of us wouldn't even bother with the procedure. This was my main point. I wasn't knocking cosmetic surgery. I love cosmetic surgery, especially the bad kind. There is nothing better than seeing some lady walking down Rodeo with giant sun glasses and huge duck lips just thinking she's cheated Father Time with her Gold Card and special relationship with Dr Whoever. It's hilarious. But really not necessary.
Neckline Lifts
Neckline Lifts are so comfortable that you will forget you are wearing them until someone complements you on your appearance. Neckline Lifts will be your little beauty secret and nobody will ever know. Through our special As Seen On TV offer you can receive 10 Neckline Lifts for only $9.99 + S&P, but if you order today we will Triple the offer. Now you can look your best on 30 special occasions.
As we age, our skin just isn’t as firm as it once was. Especially around the neckline. But now, Neckline Lifts are the amazing new way to look up to 10 years younger in seconds. Neckline Lifts is the best Neckline Slimmer option without surgery. Simple to use, Just Peel, Pull and Press and you have firmer and tighter looking skin in seconds.
Feather Hair Extensions Casuing Debate
So it appears that as the animal rights activists bring attention to the slaughtering of birds for vanity, they will actually be helping the cause of the fisherman who need to slaughter the birds so they can slaughter some fish for hobby. Hmmmm!
Feather Hair Extensions are still a hot topic in Hollywood but as I correctly predicted in my little feather hair extensions note, it would not be until the 1st week in June that we would begi
Read more at uberazzi.comIt turns out that teenagers and hairstylists are rushing every fly fishing outpost in America trying to get their hands on the few remaining rooster saddles left in order to either jam them in someones head or sell wholesale them to the beauty industry. Stars like Jennifer Love Hewitt, Selena Gomez and the lovely Steven Tyler have brought the feather hair extension craze into the mainstream but I doubt they have any idea what needs to happen in order to get these feathers from bird to head.