
Jay Glazer's Perfect Punch

I hJay Glazer's Perfect Punchave read several perfect punch reviews over the last few weeks and there is something that I've experienced with my perfect punch which has yet to be brought up. It doesn't hurt!

Here is what I mean. When you train a lot, especially if you do a lot of bag work, you start to pile up the injuries. But, you need to do the work in order to create your strength and hone your technique. I find that using Jay Glazer's perfect punch is a smarter why to do MMA training because it can take most of your bag work out of your training. You really shouldn't be using MMA gloves to hit the heavy bag in the first place but let's face it, if that's what we have, that's what we use. There simply is not enough padding in standard gloves to absorb all the shock we put on the hands and wrists.


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